FanFictionZurundolo2021-03-10T23:44:09+01:00 [fullwidth menu_anchor=”” backgroundcolor=”#726f71″ backgroundimage=”” backgroundrepeat=”no-repeat” backgroundposition=”left top” backgroundattachment=”scroll” bordersize=”1px” bordercolor=”#000000″ borderstyle=”solid” paddingtop=”20px” paddingbottom=”20px” class=”” id=””]
This section is dedicated to the art made by the fans of Service’s Code. You can send in fan art (or fan fiction) to either one of the authors as you like (Zelas or Zurundolo)
There are no limitations to the kind of fanwork you can submit (any genre, characters or technique you want to use, it’s okay). We are not easily scared or offended.
[/fullwidth] [blog number_posts=”-1″ cat_slug=”fan-fiction” exclude_cats=”” title=”yes” title_link=”yes” thumbnail=”yes” excerpt=”yes” excerpt_length=”35″ meta_all=”yes” meta_author=”no” meta_categories=”no” meta_comments=”yes” meta_date=”yes” meta_link=”yes” meta_tags=”yes” paging=”yes” scrolling=”pagination” strip_html=”yes” blog_grid_columns=”2″ layout=”grid” class=”” id=””][/blog]